Local chapters host a member meeting that includes PRO chapter business, social networking, and/or training. Trainings are 1-2 hours and either Set One or Set Two Discussions and trainings are topics of interest to your Family Child Care business.
All members of PRO are allowed admittance to all chapter monthly meetings/training. Although members are assigned to their nearest chapter, members may attend any chapter’s meetings.
As a PRO member, you can go to any training at these Chapters. See the PRO calendar online for upcoming meetings/training. Please contact the chapter facilitator when visiting other chapter meetings/training to assure space is available
CLICK the link to the list of facilitators to get their contact information.

Clackamas County
E. Portland County
​Marion County
N. Portland County
SW Metro County
West Side Spanish
Looking for volunteer facilitators!
Provider Resource Organization (PRO) is a non-profit organization committed to supporting Care Care providers. We believe that by working together, we can make a positive impact in our local communities. Currently, we are open to establishing new chapters in any area of the state where there is interest.
If you have a passion for networking with other Child Care Providers and want to start a chapter in your area, we encourage you to contact Betty Phillips at today.